Birds and Butterflies

BIRDS & BUTTERFLIES:  Educates GCJ members on the protection of and gardening for birds and butterflies.

Oct-2022 A Guide for Birds and Butterflies committee from the Board of Directors Manual.

Pennsylvania Bird Day Bill 1124, Act #70, (a law as of June 6, 1968) designates March 21
of each year as Pennsylvania Bird Day, urging citizens and residents of this
Commonwealth to devote a part of this day to the study of birds in order to become more
aware of the beauty and usefulness of birds frequenting the Commonwealth.


1. To encourage the appreciation of birds:
a. Promote exhibits on birds as part of standard flower shows

b. Encourage interest and inspiration for programs on birds

c. Inspire protection of birds

1) As a first line of defense against insects and rodents that destroy crops,
gardens, and trees
2) By establishing bird sanctuaries
3) By making information available relative to the use and misuse of
chemicals, including insecticides
4) By providing aid and cooperation to bird appreciation organizations such as
youth bird clubs and Audubon

2. To encourage the appreciation of butterflies:
a. Promote exhibits on butterflies as part of standard flower shows

b. Encourage interest and inspiration for programs on butterflies

c. Inspire protection of butterflies
1) As an important means of pollination
2) By promoting the establishment of butterfly gardens for the purpose of providing food and shelter
3) By publicizing the location of established butterfly gardens which are open to the public such as Hershey Gardens, The Franklin Institute, Calloway Gardens, and The National Garden in Washington, D C.

3. Through contact with clubs and articles in the Keystone Gardener, promote plantings favorable to the preservation of birds and butterflies.

4. Promote sound environmental practices in home landscapes that provide food and shelter for birds and butterflies.

5. Maintain contact with conservation agencies, the GCFP Environmental Concerns Chair and the GCFP Native Plant and Wildflowers Chair.

6. Promote National and Pennsylvania Conservation Awards.

7. Prepare an exhibit on conservation for birds and butterflies when requested to do so by the State President or Convention Committee.